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Your Light Shines

Know your story. Tell your story.

VIDEO: Sarah gives a rundown of the "Your Light Shines" exercise

Your Light Shines: Know and Tell Your Story

As we seek to be followers of Jesus who are more comfortable with sharing our stories with unchurched family and friends, one way to prepare for the conversations that arise about faith is to get to know and reflect on our own story with God. The goals of this exercise are twofold: to grow as disciples as we engage in this practice of mapping out our faith story with God (know), as well as identify the moments where we can see the faithfulness of God and then consider how we may be able to share that part of our story with others in conversation (tell).  


The Plan:


We will engage in this exercise as a whole congregation (adults & students), and as we go, we will have the opportunity to hear the stories of members during worship, as well as in small groups on and around Sunday, January 23rd.  


  • On that day and during the week that follows, we will provide numerous opportunities for groups to gather to share from their stories with one another for a time of mutual encouragement as well as practicing speaking about our faith.  
  • This will happen in Vine Classes, on Zoom groups, in Small Groups that already meet, and at other designated times. 
  • You will have the opportunity to register for a particular time if you are not currently part of a group that is planning to participate.  


  • We are not asking you to prepare to share your entire Christian testimony/conversion story. As you map out your timeline, be mindful of the particular moments, highs, and lows that resonate with you in this season as you look back. During the small group times, you will be asked to share out of your story, not your whole story. You can plan to talk about just one part of your story. 


  • Remember, everyone has a different journey with God.  There is no pressure for your story to be like anyone else’s, and no one’s story is “boring”!   


You can pick up a hardcopy of the booklet and timeline at FPC in the Church office, Narthex or Jeffords Center. Or, you can download below and print on your own. You may find it easier to use our excel version of the timeline page, and if you do, be sure to also look at the PDF for the guide on how to complete the exercise.  


If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Dickinson (sarah@fpcdouglasville.org).